
Paris in Spring (2009)

Until this trip, I have only been to Paris in the winter time. I did not know what to expect from Spring time in Paris(May). It did not take long to notice the difference. When I was making my way to the city proper from the airport,I noticed that the railroad track--usually very industrial and somber, all steel and grease in the winter time, was lively and playful, showy--covered with crimson poppies, blue lupines and all sorts of lively wild flowers. Sorta like this (though this was a garden outside of some government bldg). It was a very gay Paris.

One of the highlights of the trip was riding across town in one of those rented bicycles called the Velib. I did not think I was gonna enjoy it; but I was wrong. Dodging the traffic and bullying a small parcel of the road from hulking fast moving vehicle was actually fun.

Now for some cityscapes: the first set is along the viaduc de arts/promenade plantee

Around Place Bastille

The Great Pompi Centre

Some gate...I was just strolling along getting lost and chanced on this one

I think this is at the Royal Palace Garden:

Shops and Neighborhood walks:

At the Cluny Museum

And lastly, food stuff: Berthillion Ice cream

Beer and sandwich

Fruit de mer!

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